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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Happy Policeman Happy Dog....Why?

I saw this ad while reading Sunset magazine because....well I don't need to explain why I was reading it I just was ok. Anyways I came upon this article and I thought that this ad was rather interesting mainly because I had never heard of this brand of dog food, which might also have to do with the fact that I don't have a dog but still.
I looked it up and it turns out that Blitz here is actually a Sacramento Police canine which lead me to believe that they specifically made this ad for people of the Sacramento area. After thinking that I thought that that was rather interesting because the only way that I found out that Blitz was of the Sacramento Police Force was by looking up the article online which made it seem as if other would have to do the same hing if they were to know about that or not. Because of that I found that the ad could have been better in that sense because if they are trying to focus more on the people of Sacramento area then they need to make it more obvious that Blitz is from Sacramento. Think about it, other than the police force itself there is probably no one else that actually knows Blitz and knows that Eukanuba is trying to focus on them rather than anybody else.

Besides this they use the images pretty well. By using the happy police man they make it seem that it is completely safe and that it is depended on by people who really need their dogs to be alert and of good health. The way that they make it so that the image of their surroundings in the background is faded away a little and both the police man and the dog are not immediately draws the readers attention to them. Adding to this since the police man is looking at the dog it also makes the reader look at the dog who in the picture looks completely healthy and ready to go up against any task. All the different aspects of the picture makes it so that they create an image that basically screams "LOOK AT THE DOG!" I think that they were pretty successful in making it clear that the dog is the important one and that their product made it that way.

Along with the image the words that they use are trying to get the same point across. To me it did not seem that they were as successful in this category. For example unless you've used Eukanuba before you don't even know if it's dog food or some shot of some sort. It's not until the very fine print that is not in purple and that does not stand out very well against the white boarders that they finally begin to write about how it is dog food and how it helps the dog's immune system which is why it is good for dogs. The add is bad in this sense because the reader is not really sure of what the product is and most of us would not read the whole ad including the fine print which makes it difficult for their audience to know what they are trying to tell us. I believe that this is vagueness but I'm not not sure why they did this because I do believe that they did it on purpose. If anything it hurts their advertisement rather than help it because it doesn't really make us more intrigued and want to read the tiny little print at the bottom....or maybe I'm just lazy.

(Sorry for the picture quality none of the cites that I visited seemed to have one that was really all that good and I couldn't take a picture of it with my phone so I just had to settle with having this one.)

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