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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dog. Don't. Move. A. Muscle.

A reason why my parents have always been against having a dog as a pet, especially bigger ones, is because of the mess that they would make around the house. Obviously when I saw this advertisement I immediately thought about how they would have just freaked out in such a situation.
At first I just stared at this ad just kind of laughing to myself while thinking about how hilarious the situation was. I didn't even know that it was for a company that makes carpets until I read the small print at the top of the page (sorry I couldn't get a better picture for this so that you could all read it as well, but mainly it said that the Mohawk company had created a new type of carpet named SmartStrand which supposedly had new types of fibers to help release substances when someone was trying to clean). 

Within this fine print at the top comes the Magic Ingredients Technique. They try and tell their audiences that they have not created the best carpet for any pet owners because they will no longer have to worry about how their carpets will be completely ruined by their pets if something was to accidentally happen. Because they say that they have these new types of fibers within their carpets Mohawk makes it seem as if they have discover a new ingredient (a magi ingredient if you will) that is the next step in the carpeting industry. Along with this they use another technique, the Wit and Humor Appeal Technique. This is obvious because of the absolute absurdity of the situation that the family is in in the advertisement. Since the situation is so unrealistic but still so present in our minds it makes a sort of funny that we laugh at because it sucks for the family that has to deal with it but we would never want to have to do it ourselves.

Along with these techniques come to needs that the advertisement creates in their audiences' minds. First is the Need to Feel Safe. This is more for the people that are so worried about the appearance of their home that they constantly fretting about any little sign of dirt or disorganization around their home. By saying that their is no more need to worry if you get SmartStrand Mohawk get rid of this panicked state and allows the part of their audience that was like this to relax and really enjoy their home. The second need that appeared to me when I was looking over this advertisement is the Need to Satisfy Curiosity. We have a natural tendency as human beings to be curious about things that we have not seen to be truth ourselves. By giving this situation and saying that SmartStrand will allow you to easily clean up any mess that is on it Mohawk creates this uncertainty within us that questions/wonders if this is really true. I wouldn't doubt that quite a few people have bought this product with just the wanting to test out the result for themselves in mind.

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